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Weekends of Spiritual Renewal

“We are Mountain people readying for the marketplace. We are marketplace people looking for the Mountain.”

“Food for the Good Journey: Weekends of Spiritual Renewal” 

  • Aug. 2-4
  • Sept. 27-29

As followers of Jesus and friends of Francis and Clare we are called to live as instruments of peace and healing in a world that is aching to hear the good news!

Come back to the Mountain for a weekend of rest, renewal and enrichment with friends old and new. Experience, again, God’s gentle Presence in the stillness and beauty of the woods and the Chapel! Come and be nourished around the table of the altar and the main house! Come and receive food for your "good journey!"

We are expecting those to attend to be persons who are now, or would like to be, in leadership with us in various regions where we are carrying to homes and other places the life and spirit of the Mountain.

Register and reserve your space on the Mountain at mmarc@sbu.edu.

Opening Eucharist begins at 4:45 p.m. Aug. 2 and Sept. 27, though participants may come when they are able.

For more information contact:

(If you can’t complete the whole weekend, join us for an overnight or a day!)

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