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Fall Work Day and Reflection Overnight Oct. 7-8

“Come try our way of life” … help us, work with us to “make all things new!”

Fall is coming to the Mountain and the colors are becoming vibrant and revealing God’s glory to us and we are conscious of many things that need attention before the long rest of winter.

We need your help and the help of others to keep the Mountain a beautiful place for all to enjoy. Join us Friday, Oct. 7, and Saturday, Oct. 8, and let us pray and work together.

Our early brothers and sisters valued manual work, participating with one another in a “way of life.”  We still appreciate these values today and know they build us up as a community.

We will be working on the following projects:

  1. Dig and plant a garden of spring flowering bulbs

  2. Till and plant a garlic bed                                           

  3. Put some of the vegetable garden to bed for the season

  4. Sand and varnish lawn furniture

  5. Split wood

  6. Washing windows & screens

  7. Prepare the noon meal                

Schedule of Events - all are welcome to help and pray!

  1. Friday, Oct. 7: For SBU students on campus who are staying over, vans leave the Merton Center at 4 pm, dinner at 6 pm followed by evening prayer at the Chapel

  2. Saturday, Oct. 8: For SBU students coming in just for Saturday, vans leave the Merton Center at 8 am

  3. For all: work begins at 9 am on Saturday.  A noon meal will be provided.  Work concludes at 3:30 pm.  Closing prayer at 4pm.

To register-

To register please contact Michelle Marcellin by email (MMarc@sbu.edu) or phone (716-375-2096).
There is limited availability for overnight accommodations, please call the Mountain directly at 585-973-2470 if you are interested.

It would be wonderful to have you join us!

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