Celebrate Brother Joe Oct. 31
Please join us as we celebrate Brother Joseph Kotula, OFM, on his 25 years of vowed life as a Franciscan friar in Holy Name Province.
Br. Joe began his early years of profession at Mt. Irenaeus, helping to establish our year round living, inviting others into our earliest days at Mt. Irenaeus. Prior to his Solemn Profession as a friar and through today, he has befriended so many who have come to the Mountain from St. Bonaventure University and others well beyond these hills. Along with taking great care with the land and helping us maintain all of our buildings Joe has been the Vicar of our fraternal life for a number of years. He has tended to the needs of the brothers and all who join us here, helping us in all of our relationships and to remember that “this we know, all things are connected”.
Join us Sunday, Oct. 31. Come early and enjoy a walk here as we celebrate Eucharist at 11 a.m. with the renewal of vows followed by a dish-to-pass brunch in our House of Peace.
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