Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, records audio reflections or podcasts to share his thoughts with you.
We invite you to enter this journey as you have the time. Listen to reflections while on a run or driving. While sitting peacefully in your home. Share with others. Listen with a group.
Fr. Dan has recorded these podcasts from the Mountain to the shores of California; from the Finger Lakes to New Mexico; from Las Vegas to Florida.
Our podcasts have evolved since 2011 through the use of music with Cyprian Consiglio and John Michael Talbot, sound quality and themes. We expect this ministry to continue to mature and ripen in the coming years.
We invite you to be persistent with your prayer life as possible and we hope these reflections help you on your journey!
The date noted is when the podcast was recorded.
Open Our Hearts and Listen (Jan. 14)
More Podcasts:
- Make Known the Message of Christmas (Dec. 25)
- Rejoice in the Light (Dec. 17)
- Respond to Life Around Us (Nov. 25)
- You Are My Beloved Now (Nov. 1)
- Finding God's Mercy (Sept. 29)
- Yearning Like a Deer (Sept. 10)
- Quiet and Stillness to Calm the Chaos (Aug. 13)
- Listening for God's Love and Presence (Aug. 6)
- Open Our Hearts to Clarity (July 12)
- We Are One Body Together (June 18)
- The Story of Love (May 21)
- Our Sojourn (May 1)
- Feeding Each Other This Easter Season (April 21)
- An Invitation to Listen (March 10)
- The Hunger to Fast (March 3)
- It Is Good That We Are Here (Feb. 20)
- See With the Eyes of Love and Mercy (Jan. 29)
- Unfolding Truth of God's Love Now (Jan. 15)
- Our Hearts As Our Homes (Jan. 2)
- Brilliance of Christmas Light (Dec. 24)
- Light at the Center (Nov. 27)
- The Word Moves Through Us (Nov. 19)
- Recovering Our Unity (Oct. 30)
- To See God's Face (Oct. 22)
- Contemplation: Hidden Fullness of Life (Oct. 9)
- Paradise of Prayer (Sept. 24)
- Reflecting on Meditation (Sept. 10)
- Food For Life (Sept. 4)
- Depth of Gratitude (Aug. 7)
- Open Our Eyes Beyond Ourselves (July 30)
- The World Needs Love (July 10)
- Cross to a New Creation (July 3)
- Freedom to Follow (June 26)
- Chosen As One (June 18)
- God Dwells Within Us (May 22)
- We Are Chosen (May 7)
- We Are Called By Name (April 19)
- Rejoice in the Gift of Silence (April 9)
- Let the Quiet Rise Up (March 25)
- Holy Ground (Feb. 28)
- Open to the Good News (Feb. 7)
- Herald of Glad Tidings (Jan. 9)
- Mary's Model of Meditation (Jan. 2)
- Christmas Children Now (Dec. 27)
- Awestruck During Advent (Dec. 20)
- Sitting With the Sun (and the Son of God) (Dec. 13)
- Advent Awareness and Awakening (Dec. 6)
- Rise, Shine and Awake to Advent (Dec. 2)
- The Realm of God Within Us (Nov. 21)
- Journey Into Thanksgiving (Nov. 14)
- Nourished Together (Nov. 8)
- God's Children Now (Nov. 1)
- Beauty of the Quiet (Oct. 21)
- Standing on Our Heads for Christ (Oct. 4)
- This Little Light of Mine, Merton and Pope Francis (Sept. 27)
- Communion of Our Common Home (Sept. 20)
- Serene Attentiveness (Sept. 12)
- Places of Life (Sept. 6)
- Opening the Gates of Our Senses (Aug. 29)
- In God's Own Image (Aug. 22)
- Sense of Sensing (Aug. 15)
- Longing for Purpose and Meaning (Aug. 2)
- The Gift of Our Own Reflection (July 26)
- All That Is Within (July 19)
- From Stillness to Dancing (July 11)
- Longing to Belong (July 4)
- Quiet and Trust (June 28)
- Our Bountiful World (June 13)
- An Excuse to Be Still (May 31)
- Gathering Around a Fire (May 24)
- Pause for the Vibrant Word of God (May 10)
- Pruning of Our Lives (May 3)
- The Pasture Within Us (April 26)
- Jesus Be Here (April 19)
- Mercy as Love Poured Out (April 11)
- Showing Us the Easter Way (April 4)
- Entering Holy Week (March 29)
- Fruitful Silence (March 22)
- We Are God's Beloved Now (March 1)
- Rainbows and Roses (Feb. 21)
- Plunge Into Lent (Feb. 14)
- Movement to Follow (Jan. 31)
- Movement to Trust (Jan. 24)
- Movement to Listen (Jan. 18)
- Bluejays and Baptism (Jan. 10)
- Blessings for a New Year (Dec. 30)
- Christmas Star in Our Hearts (Dec. 24)
- Welcoming the Light of Advent (Dec. 20)
- The Spirit of Hope in Advent (Dec. 13)
- Finding Our Advent Deserts (Dec. 7)
- Alert to Advent (Nov. 28)
- Know That We Count (Nov. 23)
- Making a Home All Around Us (Nov. 15)
- In Relationship with Home and Heaven (Nov. 2)
- Come to the Table of God's Word (Oct. 26)
- Contemplation Arises (Oct. 19)
- Marking 30 Years (Oct. 11)
- Longing Like St. Francis (Oct. 5)
- Pausing to Participate (Sept. 27)
- Discovering Our Unity (Sept. 21)
- Brilliance of the Cross (Sept. 14)
- Spirit of Renewal (Aug. 30)
- Outlandish Love of God (Aug. 23)
- Vocations and Vacations for Quiet (Aug. 10)
- Listen With Our Ears and Eyes (Aug. 3)
- Collaborating With Our Creator (July 26)
- Circus and Ferris Wheels of Life (July 19)
- Seed and Void (July 13)
- Find Rest (July 5)
- Everlasting Strength and Beauty (June 26)
- Partners in Peace (June 14)
- Noise and Peace of the Spirit (June 7)
- Eyes of Our Heart (May 31)
- The Location of Our Relationships (May 15)
- Continuing to Walk and Listen (May 8)
- Road to Emmaus (April 25)
- Rise Anew This Easter (April 19)
- Intimacy of Holy Thursday (April 16)
- Walk the Way (April 14)
- Finding Our Way This Holy Week (April 12)
- Prophecy of Light and Peace (March 30)
- Deserts and Gardens of Lent (March 22)
- Mountains of Encounter (March 15)
- Ambassadors of Reconciliation (March 2)
- A Conversation with Cyprian (March 1)
- An Invitation to Love and Pray (Feb. 21)
- The Wisdom of Caves (Feb. 15)
- Listening First to Change the World (Jan. 25)
- Listening Together in Solitude (Jan. 19)
- Blossoms in Our Hidden Lives (Jan. 9)
- The Light of a Star (Jan. 4)
- One Family (Dec. 28)
- The Christmas Message In All Of Us (Dec. 24)
- Looking for Signs in Advent (Dec. 22)
- The Bounty of Gentleness Like Bob (Dec. 14)
- Endurance and Encouragement (Dec. 7)
- Awakening to the Spirit of Advent (Nov. 30)
- Persistence of Prayer (Oct. 19)
- Let the Road Take Us (Sept. 21)
- Consider the Light (Aug. 29)
- Little Flock (Aug. 5)
- God's Love Rains Down Upon Us (June 16)
- The Peace of God's Breath (May 16)
- Listening to the Love of God (April 21)
- The Natural Heart of Easter (March 29)
- A Passion to Rebuild (March 17)
- Our Lenten Road Beckons (Feb. 23)
- Love in a New Lent (Feb. 9)
- Fresh Starts, Open Hearts (Jan. 25)
- Magnifying the Light of Christ (Jan. 12)
- Finding Purpose and Peace in the New Year (Dec. 30)
- The Light and Peace of Christmas (Dec. 23)
- Reflections on the Tragedy in Connecticut (Dec. 14)
- The Peace of Soon and Near (Dec. 12)
Add the podcasts to the homescreen of your iPhone! Go to of Advent (Dec. 4)
- Expectation and Joy of Advent (Nov. 30)
- Give Thanks in All Circumstances (Nov. 18)
- Encountering Solitude and Paradise (Oct. 13)
- Somersaults in Your Heart (Sept. 30)
- The Silence to Hear (Sept. 23)
- Be New Wine For All (Sept. 10)
- Be In Our Own Godspell (Sept. 3)