Franciscan Sojourners

“There is special delight and deep peace in traveling with other Sojourners, seeking Christ
at the center of life and extending the circle out to others to “make all things new!”
- Dan Riley, OFM

 Franciscan Sojourners is an outreach of Mt. Irenaeus providing service to alums, family and friends and others who seek out the Franciscan Way.
Franciscan Sojourners are moved to follow the Gospel manner of life and ministry of Mt. Irenaeus by committing to their own ongoing personal formation, extending the work and spirit of the Mountain to their families and communities and contributing to the growth of this Franciscan Mountain Retreat.


Get Involved with the Sojourners

   • Retreat Weekends

   • Monthly Phone Reflections: Join us for a Mountain gathering from your home! The first Tuesday of each month the Franciscan Sojourners invite you to participate in a conference call, where we will listen to the word of God, and then share our thoughts with one another as many have within the Holy Peace Chapel at the Mountain.  Past reflections have lasted 20-30 minutes. They usually focus on the following Sunday’s Gospel. To participate in the reflection each first Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST:  Dial 1-888-387-8686; Room # 3752096.

   • Read the Sojourners Blog: Co-written by Mountain friars and Sojourners; you're invited to share your reflections!


As we move from one phase of life to the next, Sojourners sense that “one never graduates from the Mountain,” rather is sent forth to “make all things new” by creating and nourishing communities that transcend a particular place, opening to all peoples, ages and cultures.
Rejoicing and renewed by the lives of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, Sojourners join in the simple joyful healing communion with God and all creation through contemplation and a communal experience of God’s justice, love and peace in contemporary everyday life.


Our Objectives
As Franciscan Sojourners, we have three primary objectives:

   1. Personal, spiritual growth rooted in small faith-based communities that feed one another
   2. Find our way with God’s grace and call to further ministry both in our families, local Church and places of work
   3. Better understand and appreciate our own time, talent and treasures and those of others, for which to serve the Mountain, University and our local communities


Our Sojourner Vision
“Rebuild my house, which you can see has fallen so sadly into ruin."
- The Lord said to St. Francis
We hope that in participating in a Sojourner gathering nearest you, that you may re-discover a life long practice which will enable you to experience a sense of coming home through the manner of life and ministry of Mt. Irenaeus.


Make a Contribution
Sojourner programs are an extension of Mt. Irenaeus and are primarily self-funded through its participants.
Any contributions you may wish to  make can be made payable to:

   Mt. Irenaeus
   PO Box 100
   West Clarksville, New York 14786
   Attn: Franciscan Sojourners

Download our Brochure (PDF)