
Welcome to selected photos of Mountain life! If you have photos of Mountain life at Mt. Irenaeus or at a gathering on the road, please send them to Peace!

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WE TURNED AROUND - and there it was, double and BRILLIANT, spanning the eastern sky! ... ~ As CHILDREN OF A RAINBOW GOD... of God's covenant with NOAH, the RAINBOW stands out – is outstanding as THE SYMBOL IF THIS COVENANT WITH ALL CREATURES who are "ON BOARD THE FREEDOM BOAT"! ~This relationship, this multicolored reality of God's love for each and everyone of us... This IS the God who has gathered us up and made us one in the dying and rising of Jesus Christ. THIS IS EASTER! This is the rich fullness of OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ONE ANOTHER in our CREATOR GOD! ...So what a thing to see as we stood talking about the goodness of our lives and the goodness of a place like the mountain and other places that celebrate God's amazing love and care for us, the relationships we have with one another.~ ~In the midst of this conversation in the midst of a clearing from a rainstorm we stood dumb struck in the MIDST OF THIS RAINBOW~ that doubled and arced from the pond to the hill right BESIDE OUR CHAPEL. ~What a sign of the covenant.. what beauty of relationships of color, of creatures, of you and I ... The ponds and Robins singing as we are looking.. SO A myriad of blessings and multicolored revelations Who ever we are... we are wherever YOU ARE tonight! .. Rain came again as a late afternoon FLOOD; drenching everything here and inviting us to know that we are thirsty for even more than water – THIRSTY for LOVE POURED OUT INTO OUR LIVES! Did you see a rainbow tip day... Take some time and take this one in now! Peace! Dan OFM

A photo posted by Mt. Irenaeus (@mtirenaeus) on



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