Personal Needs During a Visit

For your time with us, please bring:

• Flashlight
• Informal clothing
• Sturdy footwear
• Seasonal clothing (a light jacket is recommended even during the summer)
• Slippers to wear in the House of Peace and Chapel 

Some uphill walking is required between the cabins, common house and chapel, though front wheel drive vehicles with good tire tread can make the hill easily during the winter.

Guests occasionally enjoy weeding or some other outdoor work. Often guests participate in the preparation of a meal or in cleanup afterwards. Any participation in our life continues to build the experience of family.

We provide linens, meals and have some prayer resources available. You are welcome to bring those things you feel you need for your personal comfort and health while you are with us.

For meals, we dine as a family, relishing this time in community as a supper is prepared each day and served in the common house. Guests are welcome at the common house at any time to help themselves to breakfast and lunch. You can discuss your own needs with us and we will make arrangements accordingly. If you plan to cook for yourself, you are welcome to bring your own food items.

We ask our guests to leave at home all board games, cards, radios, phones and TVs, as we promote a simple and quiet restful environment welcoming conversations, enjoying story telling and reading. We have found some guests are allergic to animals, so we ask you to not bring pets.

Please let us know of your expectations, health needs or life challenges which might affect your ability to live with us for a time and would help us decide where you might stay on the Mountain.

For priest guests, we ask you to follow the early custom of St. Francis who asked that his brother priests would let one preside at the Eucharist and others to participate as brothers with the congregation.