
Have you been following a path - a path already marked out for you? Did you have any thoughts about where this path might lead? Was there some insecurity about where you might end up? Did you think you were absolutely alone on this path? In a sense, while it may have been marked out by others, didn't it seem like it was peculiarly you who were making the path for the first time? The unknown, the wonderment, the insecurity -- a concentration of the journey of life, and of faith. 

What did you feel when you came "home," when the journey ended in security? Think about the path you are taking in life. Your Christian path, your human path, your vocational path. Have you taken these for granted as perhaps you took for granted the path that you have followed here at Mt. Irenaeus? Let your gratitude well up as you think of the privileged journey that you awaken to each day.