
Reflections on My Time at Mt. Irenaeus 

By Bob Struzynski, ofm

To put it in a popular word of students, my time at Mt. Irenaeus has been awesome!

I came 7½ years ago because of a desire to deepen my prayer life, live a more intense community life and participate in the ministry to students at St. Bona's and all those who come to the Mountain.

All of that has happened for me in a most wonderful way.

The prayer life of the Mountain is exceptional. The pace of verbal prayer has a contemplative touch to it. No rushing to get words in but slow and thoughtful so that the words prayed sink into the heart. The chance for silent prayer at the Mountain has been most meaningful for me.

Although the Mountain proved to be very busy, more than I expected, I adjusted pretty well and grew because of the challenge. The people that you meet at the Mountain are really inspiring. I learned again that everyone has a story and everyone has something unique to contribute. The privilege of being a part of people’s lives when they come and become a part of the community is precious. Every day community is formed up at the Mountain.

I am most grateful that I was able to bring my previous experiences with me and integrate them into the life and ministry of Mt. Irenaeus. It took quite a struggle to integrate classroom teaching into our life, but it finally panned out and I loved "blowing the minds" of the unsuspecting students who needed a one-credit course to graduate and chose the course on "Contemplative Prayer." I loved the reflection sessions with students who went on the prison program trips and was proud that the Mountain sponsored the trips and that the brothers were all willing to be a part of it. I was glad, too, that I was able to begin a mediation group to Bona's. It continues to grow and this year plans are to continue it through the summer for the first time.

I will continue to bring the Mountain into the Valley in New Jersey. I see retirement as another special calling from God. I do not know what that means right now but God knows and that is enough!

Best wishes to all!


Fr. Dan to Receive Honorary Degree

Saint Michael's College in Vermont will confer an honorary doctor of humane letters degree on Fr. Dan this Sunday. The Commencement ceremony begins at 10 a.m. and you can watch it live online

Here is the description of Fr. Dan from the college:

Father Daniel Riley, ofm, is a founding member of Mt. Irenaeus, Franciscan Mountain Retreat, where he and his brothers live an open and contemplative life in the foothills of the Allegany mountains.  There, they have created a haven for men and women seeking peace in the strength of community and with the benefits of reflection in solitude.  Previously, he was a campus minister at St. Bonaventure University and Director of Vocation Ministry for Holy Name Province, Order of Friars Minor.  A man of deep faith and commitment to Catholic higher education, Father Dan is a renowned spiritual guide for young people.  He has partnered with the Edmundite priests of Saint Michael’s to organize retreats for young people and priests on campus and at Enders Island.


Mountain Community Day April 20

We need your help! Saturday, April 20, is our Mountain Community Day. Come live the life of the Mountain and join us for a day of prayer, companionship, work projects, sharing a meal, moments of reflection and more. The day starts at 10 a.m. and ends around 4 p.m.

To Register

Stay overnight on Saturday! Please make reservations when you call to register; overnight accommodations space is limited. 

We have many projects for all interests and abilities to accomplish such as: 

  • Preparing the garden and flower beds
  • Deep cleaning of the cabins and house
  • Brush removal
  • Washing windows

Mountain Auction Gift Giving Parties and Ideas

It's that time of year to plan gifts for the annual Mountain Auction on Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012. 

Gift Gathering Parties – contact Michelle 716-375-2096 for more info.

  • Olean area: July 20, August 19 (men only), August 25 
  • Buffalo area: date TBA
  • Rochester area: date TBA 

More to be announced as people commit – can one be yours? 

Can’t make it?  Too far away? 

  • Consider sending a gift card! 
  • Host a gift card - gift gathering party! Have your friends over for a Sunday football game and ask them to bring a gift card to Lowes or Kmart or Wal-Mart. If they choose they can tell us what to purchase with it here and we can go buy the item. 
  • We have friends from many areas of the United States who are willing to pick up gifts and bring them to the auction. 

Buy online and ship to us at:   

  • St. Bonaventure University, Attention:  Mt. Irenaeus, 3261 West State Road, St. Bonaventure, NY  14778

Own a vacation property? 

  • Consider donating a week or weekend stay (a week at a beach house, weekend in NYC, long weekend at a country club, etc.) 

Own a business? 

  • Would you consider advertising at the auction by donating a gift or making a cash gift? We are planning on having a PowerPoint running with the names/ads of the businesses who have given a donation.

We thank you for all that you can do!


Summer Evenings of Re-Creation

Our Franciscan community welcomes you to join us for our Summer Evenings of Re-Creation. These evenings can help us to be spiritually renewed through the practices of Lectio divina (sacred reading), healing (with reconciliation and anointing), food and faith, and contemplation. Practicing these basics can spiritually renew us and the world.
Our dates and themes are on these Wednesdays:
  • July 11, Leccio Divina: Dan Riley, ofm and team
  • July 18, Healing: Kevin Kriso, ofm and team
  • July 25, Food and Faith: John Coughlin, ofm and team
  • Aug. 1, Contemplation in the Franciscan Tradition: Lou McCormick, ofm and team
  • 5:15 p.m. Vespers (Evening Prayer)
  • 6:30 p.m. Dish to Pass Supper
  • 7:45 p.m. Eucharist with continuation of theme
Feel free to come for all or part of the evening and to come early to spend time on the land.