Look Around You
Look around you – no rows of houses, no malls, no high-rises, no traffic. Is this unsettling, strange, lonely, confusing? What do you see? Look at the forests -- the extent of them, the variety of colors, of trees, of shapes, of sizes, of foliage.
Look close up: look to the horizons. Look at the hills and valleys, the contours of the land. Look at the flowers – their colors, their variety, their size and shape. Look at the grass; at the sky.
When was the last time you stopped to really look – to look at an acorn, a blade of grass – and celebrate nature, not as nature, but as creation? Creation: being sustained in existence and beauty by the loving will of God who in the love of the spirit creates all through and for Christ Jesus.
What is different about seeing beauty, harmony, order as related to the Eternal Son of God?