Holy Week 2017


Holy Thursday, April 13

* 6:30 p.m.: Dish to pass supper

* 8 p.m.: Liturgy of the Lord's Supper


Good Friday, April 14

* Noon: Simple soup and salad lunch & meditative walk in the woods

* 3 p.m.: Liturgy of the Passion - followed by silence on the land and in the Chapel


Holy Saturday, April 15

* 11 a.m.: Morning Prayer by the pond

* 9 p.m.:  Easter Vigil


Easter Sunday, April 16

* 11 a.m.: Easter Sunday Mass followed by dish to pass brunch


If you're spending time with us during Holy Week and wish to share some of your pictures, please use the hashtag #mtirenaeus or email them to mount.irenaeus@gmail.com so we may use them on the website and in printed publications. Thanks!