
What thoughts have been awakened as you walk along, have been trying to break into your stream of consciousness? What people of your memory have filtered through and seem to demand grateful attention? Loved ones, relatives, friends?

Let gratitude well up: but be grateful first of all to God. For, He brought you here - to this place, at this time, for this experience. For all eternity He has singled you out to give you more to awaken you to the gift of Himself deep within. The Father sees and holds you in His Son through the love of the Holy Spirit. You are His dwelling place. Remove all thoughts but gratitude. Let words and thoughts of gratitude well up: let tears well up: let joy well up, admiration, wonderment, awe. 

Stop thinking: simply let Him give - gve Himself. Let Him love you as He desires, as is His nature. Experience the "peace that surpasses all understanding."