30 Years of Ministry

Thank you to everyone who joined us in person or in spirit at our 30th anniversary celebration on Sept. 19!

We celebrated our 30th anniversary of life and ministry last month; here are some beautiful photos from our wonderful celebration! Peace!

Posted by Mt. Irenaeus on Tuesday, October 6, 2015


A wonderful celebration of our 30th anniversary! A few photos to share today with more photos and videos in the coming days. Peace!

Posted by Mt. Irenaeus on Saturday, September 19, 2015


It was just about 30 years ago that we rolled in here with a truck full of you used furniture. We had loaded it up from the basement of the friary on the Bonaventure campus. Chris and Kevin and Dan Hurley and I were about to begin a journey of what now has been "30 years and more" of #FRANCISCAN LIFE here As MT IRENAEUS ~ notice the real lushness of the lawn and trees this summer. The couch this house which was our first home and was a simple farmhouse then Bill primarily from cast off materials. We were delighted to be in this little two bedroom Home that had a big enough room inside to welcome in groups of people. If you were here then we remember that we placed out on the front lawn a screen shelter that became our summer chapel. Deer would come by and a kitten would repeatedly try to creep in under the screen during #EUCHARIST! What makes a house a home, a small tent into a chapel? What is it that helps us to grow from one perception of ourselves and each other.... ~TO A WHOLE NEW ONE~ to have the capacity to understand ourselves as CHRIST'S BODY IN THE WORLD. ~Christ's church ~CHRIST'S HOME FOR OTHERS?! Here we discover and so many beautiful ways that the earth herself is Christ body and we members of that body the earth. We richly engage each other here in this simple multiplex eco-zone which has so much about it but has ONE THE THAT MATERS, one TRUTH THAT SHINES THROUGH ALL THE OTHERS...unique each and at times strange and in conflict with one another for water nutrients or care...WE ARE ALL EXPRESSIONS OF THE +ONE+ DREAM OF THE FATHER IN HIS SON... NOW~. OVERLOOKING THIS GREENING VALLEY AND SMALL HOME which has harbored many in a storm of life...this morning as the sun rises to my left and promises a NEW DAY OF GROWTH... a NEW DAY OF UNITY under the sun I share with you the opening of John's beautiful and glorious Gospel: "IN THE BEGINNING was THE #WORD and THE WORD was with God ...ALL THINGS came to be through him and without him not one thing came to being what has come into being in him was LIFE and the life was the life of all people ~ the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it."

A photo posted by Mt. Irenaeus (@mtirenaeus) on Jun 12, 2015 at 4:48am PDT